
That time of year....

Meet the artists! Hear them talk. See new exhibitions. Have personalized tours. Shop at the pop-up shops. Visit the craft market. Let children build their own moulids (workshops). Get a book signed. Feel the music, see the dance, watch a film. 

QUOZhappens. Anything could. 

Alserkal Avenue. Find us too.


Golden Showers

Who knew R. Kelly would be the connection? 

Michael Sailstorfer - Maze (detail)


Eye Spy Stink Eye

I spy with my little eye three eyes a-spying.  

 Everyone's a voyeur here. 


Red Sounds Like A High F

Neil Harbisson was born with a rare vision condition called achromatopsia; complete color blindness. 

"Since 2004, an antenna sticks out of my head that allows me to hear the color spectrum, from near infrared to near ultraviolet. My head has turned into a music box. I can hear the sky, I can listen to my mother's eyes and I can hear rainbows. 

I don't feel that I'm using technology, I don't feel that I'm wearing technology, I feel that I am technology. I don't perceive my antenna as a device, I perceive it as a part of my body, I perceive it as an organ."

So these would sound like 440 Hz and under (F# and under). Earplugs, anyone? 

Andre Butzer
Sara Rahbar


Snowy Shakes Taste Bitter

What happens when an enigmatic German fuses with this?


Ralf Ziervogel

Take a closer look. 

Coming to Carbon 12 this January